On 25 January 2023, the AER published its preliminary Annual Information Orders (preliminary Orders) and accompanying explanatory statement, which applies to electricity transmission, interconnector and distribution networks. The preliminary Orders set out our information requirements and a clear process and timing for future updates to information requirements.
On this page
Regulatory information order
AER - Preliminary annual information order - Electricity distributors - 25 January 2023
AER - Preliminary annual information order - Interconnectors - 25 January 2023
Explanatory statement
On 25 January 2023, the AER released preliminary Annual Information Orders (preliminary Orders) and an accompanying explanatory statement for stakeholder feedback.
AER - Preliminary annual information orders - Explanatory statement - 25 January 2023
Supporting information - Distribution data requirements
AER - Preliminary annual order - Electricity distributors - Appendix A: Data workbook instructions - January 2023
Annual order - electricity distributors - Data category 02 Operational outputs - January 2023
Annual order - electricity distributors - Data category 03 Network metrics - January 2023
Annual order - electricity distributors - Data category 04 Customer numbers - January 2023
Annual order - electricity distributors - Data category 05 Service performance - January 2023
Annual order - electricity distributors - Data category 06 Operating expenditure - January 2023
Annual order - electricity distributors - Data category 07 Capital expenditure - January 2023
Annual order - electricity distributors - Data category 08 Asset base values - January 2023
Annual order - electricity distributors - Data category 09 Revenue and financial statements - January 2023
Annual order - electricity distributors - Data category 10 Prices - January 2023
Supporting information - Transmission data requirements
AER - Preliminary annual order - TNSPs - Appendix A: Data workbook instructions - January 2023
Annual order - TNSPs - Data category 02 Operational outputs - January 2023
Annual order - TNSPs - Data category 03 Network metrics - January 2023
Annual order - TNSPs - Data category 05A Service performance - January 2023
Annual order - TNSPs - Data category 05B Service performance - January 2023
Annual order - TNSPs - Data category 06 Operating expenditure - January 2023
Annual order - TNSPs - Data category 07 Capital expenditure - January 2023
Annual order - TNSPs - Data category 08 Asset base values - January 2023
Annual order - TNSPs - Data category 09 Revenue and financial statements - January 2023
Supporting information - Interconnector data requirements
AER - Preliminary annual Order - Interconnectors - Appendix A: Data workbook instructions - January 2023
Annual order - Interconnectors - Data category 02 Operational outputs - January 2023
Annual order - Interconnectors - Data category 03 Network metrics - January 2023
Annual order - Interconnectors - Data category 05A Service performance - January 2023
Annual order - Interconnectors - Data category 05B Service performance - January 2023
Annual order - Interconnectors - Data category 06 Operating expenditure - January 2023
Annual order - Interconnectors - Data category 07 Capital expenditure - January 2023
Annual order - Interconnectors - Data category 08 Asset base values - January 2023
Annual order - Interconnectors - Data category 09 Revenue and financial statements - January 2023
Network businesses and other interested parties were invited to make submissions on our preliminary Orders (including data requirements) and explanatory statement by 31 March 2023.
AusNet Services - Electricity distributors Preliminary RIO - Issues log 2023
AusNet Services - Electricity distributors - Data category workbooks - additional feedback
CCP29 chair - Submission to the AER on its review of networks information requirements - 20 April 2023
ENA Response - AER Networks Information Requirements Review - 31 March 2023
Ergon Energy and Energex - Response to AER Preliminary Order - 31 March 2023
Essential Energy - Submission on Preliminary information orders - 31 March 2023
Jemena - Submission to the AER's preliminary Annual Information Orders - 31 March 2023
Powerlink Submission - NIRR - Preliminary Draft Decision - 31 March 2023
TasNetworks - Submission to Network Information Requirements Review - 31 March 2023
Regulatory information notice - Power and Water Corporation
As outlined in our Explanatory Statement published January 2023, Power and Water Corporation have been excluded from the Annual Distribution Order. This is because, compared to other distributions networks in the national electricity market (NEM), Power and Water Corporation:
- is smaller in network size
- undertakes unique functions such as management of the technical code, market dispatch operations and transmission functions
- has community service obligations to remote communities
- is transitioning to NEM arrangements.
Our decision to exclude Power and Water from the Orders will be reviewed in the future, as part of an ongoing four yearly review cycle for the Orders and Notice.
The reporting obligations for Power and Water Corporation are defined in the Annual Regulatory Information Notice below.
To develop the Notice we amended the Distribution Order, including the following changes:
- reference to Order changed to Notice
- legal detail updated to refer only to PWC
- references to electricity distributors changed to Power and Water Corporation
- definitions updated to reflect PWC does not connect to a transmission network
- validation rules allow for more NULL responses
- data requirements and definitions for public lighting removed
- maximum demand data requirements changed to reflect 3 separate distribution networks
We have also provided a register of changes made to the data workbooks for Power and Water Corporation.