The ISP and RIT-Ts
The Integrated Systems Plan (ISP) is a comprehensive roadmap that outlines the development of Australia's electricity transmission network to ensure a secure, reliable and cost-effective transition to a more sustainable energy future.
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) is responsible for developing and updating the plan. More detailed information on the ISP is available on the AEMO website.
The Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) is a regulatory framework used in Australia to assess the economic and technical viability of proposed transmission projects to ensure they deliver efficient and beneficial outcomes for consumers and the electricity market.
The ISP ‘actions’ key projects by triggering RIT-T applications and the AER has developed guidelines to make the ISP actionable.
Go to the AER Guidelines to make the ISP actionable
Our role in compliance
Under the ISP Rules, AEMO must conduct an extensive and transparent consultation process in order to publish an ISP at least every 2 years.
The AER’s role is to conduct a transparency review at key points in the ISP process.
Our role in RIT-Ts for actionable ISP projects is to ensure transmission businesses are complying with the processes involved in completing a regulatory investment test.
To do this, we maintain and publish a compliance issues register.