National Energy Retail Law and Rules

The National Energy Retail Law and Rules establish clear consumer rights and protections to all energy consumers, ensuring they are treated fairly and transparently by energy retailers. 

This includes safeguards against unfair marketing practices, accurate billing, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

The law mandates that energy retailers must provide assistance to consumers facing financial hardship, enabling those who may be struggling to pay their bills to access support and payment plans.

It also mandates that energy retailers must provide protections for and appropriate support to customers affected by family violence. Energy retailers are not allowed to require documentary evidence.

It also requires energy retailers to provide clear and accessible information to consumers about their energy plans, including terms and conditions, prices, and consumption data. 

This empowers you, the consumer, to make informed choices.

Note: This information applies to customers in QLD, NSW, ACT, SA and TAS only. Victorian consumers should visit the Essential Services Commission website for more information.

Energy retailers are required to:

  • Provide you with fair contracts with clear terms and conditions so you can fully understand the energy offer.
  • Provide you with printed material on their offer or a one page summary of their offer (an Energy Price Fact Sheet and written product disclosure statement).
  • Notify you if they change your contract including the cost of your gas and electricity.
  • Provide clear information on your bill, including how your electricity usage compares to other households in your area.
  • Provide you with flexible payment options.
  • Provide hardship programs that provide assistance such as payment plans and energy efficiency advice or waive late payment fees if you are having difficulty paying your bill.
  • Maintain a ‘no contact’ list so that you can request that their salespeople do not visit you at home.
  • Tell you about your right to complain if you have problems with your energy service.

There are additional rights for customers affected by family violence. We encourage you to tell your energy retailer as soon as possible to receive protections for your energy account and available supports. You are not required to provide proof that you are affected by family violence.

For customers affected by family violence energy retailers are required to:

  • Publish on its website a family violence policy, that provides you with information on how they can support you and the customer protections available to you.
  • To keep your personal information safe. They aren’t allowed to share your details or location without your consent.
  • Communicate with you using your preferred method of communication or offer alternative methods if that is not practicable.
  • Recognise family violence as a likely cause of a residential customer being a hardship customer or a small customer experiencing payment difficulties.
  • Waive late payment fees if you are having difficulty paying your bill.
  • Allow you to pay using Centrepay. 

You also have a right to fair and honest dealings with your retailer. Energy retailers, like all businesses, must comply with laws around advertising and marketing. There are also specific rules that door-to-door and telephone salespeople must follow.

Find out more about dealing with salespeople

As a consumer you are responsible for ensuring that you:

  • Provide open and convenient access to read and maintain your electricity and gas meters.
  • Provide notice when you move house.
  • Advise your retailer if you begin using your energy differently, for example if you start running a small business from home.
  • Provide confirmation from a medical practitioner if someone in your residence requires life support equipment.