Draft decision

On 28 September 2023, we released our draft decisions on TasNetworks' electricity distribution and transmission determinations for the 2024-29 period.

Draft decision - distribution attachments

We have now published our draft decision on TasNetworks electricity distribution determination for the 2024-29 regulatory control period.

Draft decision - transmission attachments

We have now published our draft decision on TasNetworks electricity transmission determination for the 2024-29 regulatory control period.

Models - Distribution

Our models relating to TasNetworks draft decision.

Consultant reports

We commissioned the following reports, which we took into account when making our draft decision for TasNetworks.

Stakeholder forum - Pre-determination conference

On 10 October 2023, we hosted an online pre-determination conference for TasNetworks to discuss our draft decision. 

The presentation for this forum is available below.



Interested stakeholders were invited to make a submission on both our draft decision and TasNetworks' electricity distribution and transmission determinations revised proposals.

Submissions closed on Friday, 19 January 2024 and are available on the Consultation milestone


The AER has provided guidance to distributors on the treatment and classification of legacy metering services in light of the final outcome of the AEMC's review of the regulatory framework for metering services. This guidance should be considered in preparing upcoming regulatory submissions.

AER - Legacy metering services - guidance for revised proposals - November 2023

Guidance on treatment of legacy metering services
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