On 31 January 2025, CitiPower submitted its regulatory proposal for the period 1 July 2026 to 30 June 2031.
On this page
Regulatory proposal
CitiPower Regulatory Proposal 2026-31 - Part B - Explanatory Statement - Jan2025
CitiPower Tariff Structure Statement 2026-31 - Compliance Document - Jan2025
CitiPower Tariff Structure Statement 2026-31 - Explanatory Statement - Jan2025
Confidentiality claims
Supporting information - Attachments
CP ATT 1.02 – Averaging periods for returns on equity and debt – Jan2025
CP ATT 2.01 – Customer electrification forecasting methodology – Jan2025
CP ATT 2.03 – Blunomy - Detailed demand forecasting methodology – Jan2025
CP ATT 2.04 – Zepben – Detailed customer electrification forecasting methodology – Jan2025
CP ATT 4.02 - Melbourne University - EDPR defect forecasting methodology - Aug2024
CP ATT 8.03 – CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy 2020-2021 Electric Line Clearance (Vegetation) Management Plan – Jun2020
CP ATT 8.04 – CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy 2021-2026 Electric Line Clearance (Vegetation) Management Plan – Sep2022
CP ATT 11.03 - Blunomy - Smart meters replacement benchmark study - Jan2025
CP ATT SE.02 - Forethought - Foresighting Forum 2020 Solving for a Better Energy Future - Feb2020
CP ATT SE.03 - Quantum - Customer Experience Monitor – Wave 1 2021 - May2021
CP ATT SE.04 - NTF - Customer Valuation Of Service Improvements - Dec2021
CP ATT SE.06 - Forethought - Flexible Service Offer Optimisation - Immerse Phase - Apr2022
CP ATT SE.07 - Forethought - Flexible Service Offer Optimisation - Research Report - Aug2022
CP ATT SE.08 - Forethought - Broad and Wide Stakeholder Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) - Dec2022
CP ATT SE.09 - Forethought - Broad and Wide Stakeholder Engagement Youth Customer Summary Report - Dec2022
CP ATT SE.14 - RPS - Framework and approach workshop - report 1 - Jun2023
CP ATT SE.15 - RPS - Framework and approach workshop - report 2 - Aug2023
CP ATT SE.16 - db infrastructure - Victorian Electricity Distributors Tariff Structure Statement - workshop 1 - Sep2023
CP ATT SE.17 - db infrastructure - Victorian Electricity Distributors Tariff Structure Statement - workshop 2 - Dec2023
CP ATT SE.18 - db infrastructure - Victorian Electricity Distributors Tariff Structure Statement - workshop 3 - Apr2024
CP ATT SE.22 - Forethought - Engagement Program with Customers Experiencing Vulnerable Circumstances - Feb2024
CP ATT SE.23 - Consultation paper on integrating storage into our networks - Feb2024
CP ATT SE.24 - DNSPS - Victorian Electricity Networks Small Business Network Pricing - Jun2024
CP ATT SE.25 - Forethought - Test and Validate Commercial & Industrial Customers Report - Oct2024
CP ATT SE.26 - Forethought - Test and Validate Quantitative report - Nov2024
CP ATT SE.27 - Forethought - Residential and SMB Additional customer profiling and energy consumption behaviors - Jan2025
CP ATT SE.29 - Forethought - 2026-2031 Regulatory Reset Engagement Synthesis - Dec2024
CP ATT SE.31 - Forethought - Broad and Wide Stakeholder Engagement CitiPower - Dec2022
CP ATT SE.32 - Engagement Strategy, 2026-2031 Regulatory Reset Process (CPPC) - Jul2023
CP ATT SE.33 - Public Lighting consultation paper - CitiPower - Jul2024
CP ATT SE.34 - Forethought - Trade-off evaluations report - CitiPower - Jun2024
Supporting information - Business cases
Regulatory information notice
CP RIN 04 - Workbook 4 - Capital Expenditure Sharing Scheme - Jan2025
CP RIN 22 - Supply of aerial services deed of variation Beon to CP - Jan2023
Proposed negotiated distribution service criteria
Expenditure forecasting methodology
On 28 June 2024, CitiPower notified the AER of its proposed approach to forecasting expenditure for the 2026–31 period.
Interested stakeholders are also invited to make submissions on this proposal by 14 May 2025.
Submissions can be sent to vic2026aer [dot] gov [dot] au (vic2026[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).
Alternatively, submissions can be sent to:
Dr Kris Funston
Executive General Manager
Australian Energy Regulator
GPO Box 1313
Canberra ACT 2601
Submissions should be in Microsoft Word or another text readable document format.
We prefer that all submissions be publicly available to facilitate an informed and transparent consultative process. We will treat submissions as public documents unless otherwise requested. For more information see the ACCC/AER Information policy.