Project timeline

Final determination

We have published our final determination on the 2024 values of customer reliability methodology. It follows our revised draft determination published on 5 June 2024 and our consideration of stakeholder submissions and feedback. The final determination articulates our reasoning for the decision and responds to key points raised by stakeholders. 

Following this determination, we must update the values of customer reliability using the updated methodology by 18 December 2024. The updated values will be accompanied by a report on the implementation of the methodology.

2024-08-30 AER - Final determination - 2024 VCR methodology

The final sets out the approach we will use to calculate the VCR. It incorporates stakeholder feedback on our revised draft determination from 5 June 2024.
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2024-08-30 AER - Statement of methodology - 2024 VCR

The final 2024 methodology, presented separately without showing the amendments to the 2019 methodology.
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Pilot survey and analysis

In March and April 2024, we conducted our pilot survey. Below are reports on the study from the consultant we engaged to run the survey and gather the data, Lonergan Research, and the consultant partners we engaged to analyse the results, Synergies Economic Consulting and Community and Patient Preference Research (CaPPRe). The pilot survey tested the mechanics of the survey process and uncovered no critical flaw in the survey instruments or data collected. Therefore, the pilot survey findings provide sufficient confidence to proceed with the full launch of the survey to the larger customer sample.

2024-06-17 Lonergan Research - VCR pilot methodological report

Pilot report from the service provider we engaged to conduct the pilot survey and collect data.
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2024-07-05 Synergies Economic Consulting_CaPPRe - VCR pilot report

Pilot report from the service provider we engaged to analyse the pilot results and compute willingness to pay outputs.
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Submissions on final determination

We received one additional submission in response to our final determination on the VCR methodology.

2024-09-16 JEC - submission on final determination - VCR

Justice and Equity Centre
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Related projects

In parallel with the Values of Customer Reliability, the AER continues to explore an interim value for long duration power outages (longer than 12 hours) that are outside of the VCR scope. More information on that process is available on the Value of Network Resilience project page.