The AER is required under Chapter 6A of the National Electricity Rules (NER) to make a transmission determination for Powerlink in relation to the Queensland electricity transmission network.
After making but prior to publishing its draft and final determinations/reasons, the AER may provide certain aspects of its determination (including excerpts) and associated financial models to Powerlink. The purpose of this process is to protect the legitimate confidentiality and intellectual property interests of Powerlink (and, potentially, third-party providers) by providing Powerlink with an opportunity to comment on whether the determination/reasons contain information that might be confidential.
The AER published its final decision on 30 April 2012 for the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2017.
On 2 August 2012 the AEMC amended the NER regarding the cost pass through arrangements for network service providers. Transitional arrangements allowed Powerlink to apply to the AER to amend its transmission determination for 2012-17 to include nominated pass through events.
On 30 October 2012, Powerlink sought the AER's approval to include three nominated pass through events in its determination. On 8 March 2013, the AER made a decision to amend Powerlink's 2012-17 transmission determination to include certain pass through events.