On 18 October 2002, the ACCC received an application from the Murraylink Transmission Company (MTC), on behalf of the Murraylink Transmission Partnership (MTP), seeking a decision by the ACCC that:
- the network service provided by Murraylink be determined to be a 'prescribed service' for the purposes of the National Electricity Code (code) and
- for the provision of this prescribed service, MTP be eligible to receive the maximum allowable revenue from transmission customers (through a coordinating network service provider (NSP) for a regulatory period commencing from 2003 - 2012.
On the 1 October 2003, the ACCC released its decision in relation to Murraylink's application to convert its market network service to a regulated network service. The decision draws on Murraylink's application, consultancy reports, submissions from interested parties and other information presented to the ACCC during the course of its deliberations.