
Update - Return on debt for 2020–21

In line with our final decision on Essential Energy's electricity distribution network, we have updated Essential Energy's return on debt for 2020–21. As a result of this update, the return on debt for 2020–21 is 5.39 per cent. This results in an X-factor for 2020–21 of 1.87 per cent. Holding other things constant, a positive X-factor implies a real revenue decrease and a negative X-factor implies a real revenue increase. The revised PTRM shows the updated X-factor.

Update - Return on debt for 2021–22

In line with our final decision on Essential Energy's electricity distribution network, we have updated Essential Energy's return on debt for 2021–22. As a result of this update, the return on debt for 2021–22 is 4.99 per cent. This results in an X-factor for 2021–22 of 2.29 per cent. Holding other things constant, a positive X-factor implies a real revenue decrease and a negative X-factor implies a real revenue increase. The revised PTRM shows the updated X-factor.

Update - Cost pass through - 2019–20 bushfire natural disaster

On 21 March 2022, the AER released its decision on a positive cost pass through application received from Essential Energy. The application relates to the 2019–20 bushfires that caused significant damage to parts of the network and interrupted supply to customers.

Update - Cost pass through - critical infrastructure licence conditions

On 31 March 2022, the AER released its decision on a positive cost pass through application received from Essential Energy. This application relates Essential Energy seeking to recover costs in relation to new licence conditions, which require it to strengthen its cyber and physical security (critical infrastructure licence conditions). 

Update - Return on debt for 2022–23

In line with our final decision on Essential Energy's electricity distribution network, we have updated Essential Energy's return on debt for 2022–23. As a result of this update, the return on debt for 2022–23 is 4.65 per cent. This results in an X-factor for 2022–23 of 0.09 per cent. Holding other things constant, a positive X-factor implies a real revenue decrease and a negative X-factor implies a real revenue increase. The revised PTRM shows the updated X-factor.

Update - Cost pass through - 2022 north coast flooding

On 30 March 2023, the AER released its determination on Essential Energy’s 2022 North Coast flooding cost pass through application. The application related to the widespread flooding which occurred throughout the North Coast of New South Wales during the period of late February and early March 2022. A period of severe weather caused significant and widespread flooding which severely impacted Essential Energy’s electricity distribution network.

Update - Return on debt for 2023–24

In line with our final decision on Essential Energy's electricity distribution network, we have updated Essential Energy's return on debt for 2023–24. As a result of this update, the return on debt for 2023–24 is 4.61 per cent. This results in an X-factor for 2023–24 of 3.08 per cent. Holding other things constant, a positive X-factor implies a real revenue decrease and a negative X-factor implies a real revenue increase. The revised PTRM shows the updated X-factor.