ElectraNet submitted an application to the AER seeking a determination under clause 5.16.6 of the National Electricity Rules (NER) that the preferred option identified in the Project Assessment Conclusions Report (PACR) for the SA Energy Transformation RIT-T satisfies the requirements of the RIT-T cost-benefit analysis.
On 5 June 2019, we commenced the formal process under clause 5.16.6 of the NER after we finalised a dispute on whether ElectraNet’s RIT-T had inadequately considered the consequences of system security risks. We found that ElectraNet’s RIT-T was compliant specifically on the matters raised in the dispute notice, but the next step would be to consider whether interconnector met the broader requirements of the RIT-T cost-benefit analysis.
ElectraNet's RIT-T explored options for reducing the cost of providing secure and reliable electricity to SA in the near term, while facilitating the longer-term transition of the energy sector across the National Electricity Market. ElectraNet released its PACR on 13 February 2019, which identified a preferred option to build a new 330 kV interconnector between Robertstown in mid-north SA and Wagga Wagga in NSW, via Buronga and with an augmentation between Buronga and Red Cliffs.