We are the appointed regulator for NSW Renewable Energy Zones
In 2021 the NSW Government appointed the AER to be the economic regulator of infrastructure projects within the state’s newly formed Renewable Energy Zones.
It did so under the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020 which has enabled the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.
The NSW Government appointed EnergyCo as the Infrastructure Planner and AEMO Services as the Consumer Trustee for the development of these zones that are critical to achievement of the roadmap.
What we do
The types of infrastructure projects in Renewable Energy Zones can include solar farms, wind farms, super batteries and transmission lines that bring power to the home.
Our role is not to decide on the size and scale of these infrastructure projects themselves – that’s for the NSW Infrastructure Planner and Consumer Trustee to work out.
Our role is to scrutinise the cost of projects proposed by the Infrastructure Planner and approved by the Consumer Trustee (and occasionally the Minister) so energy consumers pay no more than necessary now and in the future. The costs will be recovered from NSW consumers through the yearly contribution determination.