Assessing the costs of the NSW roadmap

The AER has been tasked with making annual contribution determinations that set out the costs of implementing the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.

We do this in accordance with the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020 (EII Act), with each determination required to be made by 28 February each year.

These annual costs are passed through by the 3 NSW distributors to NSW consumers as part of the network component in their electricity bills.

The latest determination

On 7 February 2025, the AER made its contribution determination for cost recovery under the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap for the 2025–26 financial year.

The total contribution determination amount for 2025−26 is $493.18 million.

The amounts required to be paid by each NSW distribution network service provider (DNSP) are:

  • Ausgrid $212.77 million.
  • Endeavour Energy $184.71 million.
  • Essential Energy $95.70 million.

We have gazetted our contribution determination as required by the EII Act.

The NSW Scheme Financial Vehicle must now implement the contribution determination by issuing quarterly contribution orders to NSW distributors. The NSW distributors will recover the amounts through 2025−26 network charges approved by the AER under the National Electricity Rules.

Annual contribution determinations

View the current and historical annual contribution determinations made by the AER for the NSW infrastructure roadmap.

NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap - contribution determination 2025−26

View our decision on the maximum amount electricity distributors can pass through to consumers in 2025-26 as costs for the NSW infrastructure roadmap.
Cost pass throughs

NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap - contribution determination 2024−25

View our decision on the maximum amount electricity distributors can pass through to consumers in 2024-25 as costs for the NSW infrastructure roadmap.
Cost pass throughs

NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap - Contribution determination 2023-24

View our decision on the maximum amount electricity distributors can pass through to consumers in 2023-24 as costs for the NSW infrastructure investment roadmap
Cost pass throughs