Under the EII framework, the Infrastructure Planner may undertake a competitive assessment process to select a Network Operator for network infrastructure projects.
The Infrastructure Planner may also undertake a competitive assessment process to select a person who will assist a Network Operator to carry out all or part of a network infrastructure project.
The Infrastructure Planner identifies the project options and the preferred network project, sets the procurement strategy, conducts the competitive assessment process, evaluates the submissions, and selects a successful proponent.
The AER has no direct role in these aspects. However, if the Infrastructure Planner intends to undertake a competitive assessment process, it must consult with us before and during the process and provide information to us if requested.
The AER has an important but discrete role in making a determination on the amounts to be paid to a Network Operator for carrying out a network infrastructure project. The determination must reflect the prudent, efficient and reasonable costs of carrying out a network infrastructure project.
Where the Infrastructure Planner conducts a competitive assessment process, and we are satisfied the process was genuine and appropriate, our determination can adopt the amounts payable to the Network Operator (and any mechanisms to adjust those amounts) as agreed between the Infrastructure Planner and Network Operator (or other service provider) through that process.
This reflects the principle in the NSW regime that a genuine and appropriate competitive assessment process results in the costs of carrying out a network infrastructure project being prudent, efficient and reasonable.