Issue date

On 30 September 2024, AusNet Gas Services (AusNet) submitted to the AER an access arrangement variation proposal (variation proposal) for its approved 2023−28 access arrangement

AusNet submitted that Victorian Government initiatives and the changing context for its provision of gas distribution services means the transition away from gas will further accelerate. On this basis AusNet proposed to increase the amount of accelerated depreciation it could recover from customers over the 2023−28 period from its approved $105 million ($2022−23) to $175 million ($2022−23).

Under the National Gas Rule (NGR) cl. 66(1) we must decide whether AusNet’s variation proposal is non-material. If we decide it is non-material the NGR permit us to make a decision on the variation proposal without consulting stakeholders. However, our decision is that the variation proposal is not non-material. In other words, we consider AusNet’s variation proposal to be material. Our decision on the materiality of AusNet’s variation proposal is published here.

Having found the variation proposal to be material, we now invite written submissions on the variation proposal. We will then release our draft decision and invite a revised proposal from AusNet. This will be followed by a further invitation for stakeholder submissions. We will then release our final decision.


We made our final decision on AusNet’s 2023−28 access arrangement on 2 June 2023. 

AusNet submitted its variation proposal under NGR cl. 65(1).

Having found AusNet’s variation proposal is material, we must assess the proposal as we would any access arrangement revisions proposal.