Project timeline

On 6 December 2024, we published the final decision on the SWQP form of regulation review and an accompanying explanatory note. 

Our final decision is not to make a scheme pipeline determination for the SWQP, which means it will remain subject to non-scheme regulation. 

The explanatory note outlines the key issues raised by stakeholders in response to the draft decision and sets out our responses to these issues. It is intended to provide clarity around our assessment and, where relevant, how these issues were addressed in the final decision.  

To protect the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information, we have redacted some information in our final decision. However, we strongly believe that stakeholders should be informed about the information that we have considered in making our final decision to the greatest extent possible. To balance both priorities, we have aggregated and de-identified information provided to us by stakeholders and relied on publicly available information where possible.

Final decision

AER Final decision - SWQP form of regulation review

Content type

Explanatory note