
Position - AER - Position paper September 2010

In September 2010, the AER published a position paper and draft Guideline as part of a second round of preliminary consultation. The draft Guideline set out the AER’s preferred positions regarding the presentation of standing and market offer prices by retailers. The AER also published qualitative research it commissioned, which sought consumer input and feedback on a range of areas relating to the Guideline.

Submissions to the position paper and draft Guideline were sought from interested parties.

Wallis Consulting Group - Customer research report

Wallis Consulting Group
Content type

Stakeholder forum - October 2010

The AER held a stakeholder forum on 6 October 2010 in Melbourne (with video conferencing to other capital cities) to discuss the position paper and further inform the development of the Guideline. 

Submissions - to the position paper and draft guideline - September 2010

Submissions closed 29 October 2010.

Department of Employment Economic Development and Innovation submission (QLD) - AER pricing information position paper and draft guideline - September 2010

Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation - Queensland
Content type