
Commencement date
Regulatory period
AER reference

On 30 April 2015, the AER released its final decision on Tasnetworks' transmission determination for the 2015–18 period.


On 15 December 2017 the AER wrote to TasNetworks setting out how it proposed to correct a mathematical error in the inflation calculation in its 30 April 2015 decision.

Subject to considering submissions on our proposed correction, the AER is proposing to revoke the 30 April 2015 determination and substitute it with a new determination to correct the identified error under clause 6A.15 of the NER by no later than 1 March 2018.


The AER released its transitional determination on TasNetworks' determination for the transitional regulatory control period 2014-15 on 28 March 2014.

On 2 June 2014 TasNetworks submitted its revenue proposal, proposed negotiating framework and proposed pricing methodology to the AER.

On 27 November 2014, the AER released its draft decision on TasNetworks' determination for the 2015-16 to 2017-18 regulatory control period. This full determination process calculated revenue allowances for the whole period 2014-18. The AER then 'trued up' any difference between the placeholder revenue, and the revenue requirement established in the full determination process, for the transitional year 2014–15.

After the release of our draft decision, we held a pre-determination conference to explain first hand to stakeholders our draft decision and what it means. The pre-determination conference was held in Hobart on 11 December 2014.

On 6 January 2015 TasNetworks submitted a revised proposal accepting the AER's draft decision.

Submissions on our draft decision and the revised proposal closed on 6 February 2015.