The AER has released an interactive decision tree to assist network exemption holders prepare for new rules which commence operation on 1 December 2017.
The web tool entitled, 'Do I require an Embedded Network Manager (ENM)?', takes the user through a series of questions to establish whether network exemption holders are required to become/appoint an ENM for their embedded networks.
For some embedded networks, ENMs will be required by 1 December 2017. Other embedded networks will only require an ENM when a customer within an embedded network takes up an offer from a retailer of choice.
The new web tool accompanies a series of FAQs on Embedded Network Managers.
The Embedded Network Manager is a new accredited service provider with specific market interface functions that are an important step to opening up retail competition to customers in embedded networks.
Embedded Network Managers require accreditation by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).
The changes to the National Electricity Rules that establish the Embedded Network Manager are part of the Power of Choice reforms which will also introduce metering contestability on 1 December 2017.