Issue date
AER reference
AC 158/21

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is beginning a program of work to deliver efficient regulation through the development of standardised models for electricity distribution determinations.

The AER sets the prices for non-routine services that distributors provide to individual customers when the customer requests or needs them. We refer to these customer-requested services as “ancillary network services” (ANS) in our electricity distribution determinations. Common examples of ancillary network services include temporary disconnections and reconnections, meter tests and safety services such as tiger tails.

The standardised ANS model will provide distributors with greater transparency in our expectations about modelling assumptions and functionality. This will streamline the consultation process between the AER and distributors to review proposals for ANS prices. A standardised model that includes only key information in a consistent format across electricity distribution regulatory proposals may also provide stakeholders such as retailers and end customers greater scope to engage in our distribution determinations.

On 27 August 2021, we published a preliminary model and issues paper for consultation; we received 10 submissions.

Public forum

We will be hosting an online public forum for stakeholders 10.30 am to 12.30 pm (AEDT) on Wednesday, 20 October 2021. This will be an opportunity to ask questions and provide further feedback on the standardised ANS model. 

If you would like to attend please register by Tuesday 19 October 2021 at 12 noon (AEDT). An invitation will be circulated to registered attendees after this date.