The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) sets the prices for non-routine services that distributors provide to individual customers when the customer requests or needs them. Some examples of these services include temporary disconnections and reconnections, meter tests and safety services such as tiger tails. We refer to these customer requested services as 'ancillary network services' (ANS) in our electricity distribution determinations.
On 27 August 2021 the AER began a process to develop a standardised ANS model to use in future electricity distribution determinations. The standardised ANS model is intended to replace the distribution network service provider (distributor) specific ANS models that are currently in use.
ANS models set out distributors’ inputs and methods to calculate the prices for these customer requested services for the first year of a regulatory control period. A standardised ANS model will streamline the resources and consultation required to manage the ANS models, and increase consistency across proposals. A standardised model may also provide stakeholders such as retailers and end customers greater scope to engage in our distribution determinations.
Following consultation with stakeholders, we have developed a final standardised ANS model for use in future electricity distribution determinations. The standardised models would replace the distribution network service provider (distributor)–specific metering models they submit as part of their regulatory proposals.