Issue date
AER reference
AC 107/22

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has released a Compliance Bulletin and Checklist for Semi-Scheduled Generators (SSGs) operating in the National Energy Market (NEM) to add to the suite of other guidance it has published for Scheduled Generators and SSGs.

The Compliance Bulletin sets out the AER’s expectations for compliance with key obligations for critical aspects of SSG operations such as registration, operational forecasting, dispatch, communications and the provision of information and data to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). While these expectations are mostly similar to those for Scheduled Generators, there are some differences due to the reliance of SSGs on specific weather conditions as a fuel source. It also includes case studies of examples of what the AER considers to be good practice approaches to compliance, which we would encourage participants to adopt.

The related checklist sets out tasks that may assist SSGs to achieve compliance with the relevant obligations and provides links to relevant supporting procedures published by the AER and AEMO. It also contains web links to related procedures and guidelines.

The AER encourages SSGs to review their practices and update them as appropriate.