A transparent process
The closure of a generator supplying energy to the market has significant impact on the future operation of the market.
In 2019 a new rule came into effect that required large generators to provide at least 3 years notice to the market before closing, unless granted an exemption by the AER.
Granting an exemption means allowing for a shorter notice period. This could have significant implications for the market.
Our Generator Notice of Closure Exemption Guideline outlines what information is required from applicants when submitting an exemption application.
It promotes transparency and clarity for generators and for the wider market in how we handle exemption applications.
Notifying AEMO
The notice closure exemption is part of a suite of rules associated with the energy market’s Retailer Reliability Obligation (RRO).
As part of the RRO, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) provides an annual reliability forecast in its Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO).
We require a generator applying for exemption to concurrently notify the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and provide updates on its likely future availability.
This ensures that AEMO can include a generator’s potential closure into its forecasting and contingency planning in its ESOO.