
Final determination - Final f-factor amount determinations for 2013

Following public consultation, we decided to confirm our decision to adopt our previously published draft determination, on 14 June 2014, for the 2013 fire start results.

The effect of this decision will result in a small increase in SP AusNet’s network tariff for 2015 (about $3.11 pa per customer) and a reduction in all other network tariffs of between $0.11 to $3.27 for the 2015 calendar year, depending on a customer’s distribution area. The table below provides further details of financial reward/penalty amounts and the average impact on customers' network charges for 2015.

The f-factor is an incentive scheme. DNSPs can only retain their rewards for sustained and continuous improvements. Once improvements are made, the benchmark fire start targets will be tightened in future years.  

Change in 2014 annual network tariffs as result of fire start performance of 2013
CitiPower ($0.21)
Powercor ($3.27)
Jemena ($2.77)
SP AusNet $3.11
United Energy ($0.11)