

On 17 November 2020, we published an open letter detailing the work we are undertaking to ensure our regulatory tools remain fit-for-purpose to effectively assess forecast expenditure for large transmission projects (identified as ‘actionable’ in AEMO’s ISP). This included the development of three guidance notes, and our initial views on topics we propose to cover in the guidance notes.

Alongside the open letter we published a report by HoustonKemp, which we used to inform our work program and initial views. HoustonKemp’s report scopes the challenges and reform options associated with assessing large transmission projects under the regulatory framework.

We invited stakeholders to input to our proposed work program, particularly to inform the development of our guidance notes.



On 25–26 November 2020 we held three focus groups on the proposed content of the three upcoming guidance notes. The purpose of this forum was to provide stakeholders with an overview of these documents and an opportunity to ask questions and provide preliminary feedback, to help us refine the content they contain.

We presented a slide pack on the proposed guidance notes. We have also released key questions and answers from the forum alongside the release of our draft guidance for consultation.