On 21 March 2024 we released an issues paper for stakeholder feedback for the Wholesale market monitoring and reporting guideline.
The issues paper was the first step in developing the Guideline. The Guideline outlines the scope of our wholesale market monitoring functions, and the collection and reporting of information related to these functions.
The AER sought stakeholder views on the following areas:
- our approach to wholesale market monitoring and reporting, including our proposed key areas and questions for assessment and specific metrics that would be valuable for addressing the proposed key areas.
- what information should we routinely collect, and what types and classes of information should not be collected.
- our proposed targeted incremental approach and our initial areas of particular interest, as well as views on any alternative areas that we should consider.
- whether there are any agencies in addition to ASIC and ACCC that we should consider exploring information sharing arrangements with, and views on how to further facilitate information sharing.
- the format, frequency, and granularity of information collection as well as considerations of historical collection.
- the operationalisation of the AER’s disclosure and procedural fairness policies and frameworks.