On 30 June 2022, we released the final decision on Customer export curtailment value methodology (CECV) and the explanatory statement. Oakley Greenwood has worked with us in developing the methodology and model for estimating CECVs. A final report by Oakley Greenwood Consulting and the CECV values workbook are also published alongside the final CECV methodology. The DNSP model, which helps networks practically implement CECVs for export service investment projects, is a large file and is not published on our website. Stakeholders can request the DNSP model by emailing to AERInquiryaer [dot] gov [dot] au (AERInquiry[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).
The final CECV methodology includes guidance on:
- interpreting CECV and its relationship with the broader guidance on DER integration expenditure
- estimating CECV and the process of updating CECVs
- practical guidance for networks to aggregate CECVs to estimate the contribution of the overall benefits calculating for DER investment proposals
The final CECV methodology is accompanied by the explanatory statement that explains how the AER has considered the issues raised by stakeholders on the CECV Issues paper and the Draft CECV methodology.