Project timeline


Application - ActewAGL application for revocation and substitution of its 2009-14 distribution determination

ActewAGL Distribution (ActewAGL) has notified the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) that it has identified two errors in its distribution determination. ActewAGL requested that the AER use its discretion under clause 6.13 of the transitional National Electricity Rules to correct the errors. Under this clause the AER can revoke and substitute a distribution determination if it appears to the AER that the determination is affected by a material error or deficiency.

Further final decision - AER decision on ActewAGL application for revocation and substitution of its 2009-14 distribution determination

The AER has considered ActewAGL's application and revoked the 2009-14 distribution determination, and substituted a new distribution determination for the 2009-14 regulatory control period, to rectify the errors.