The Registrant’s exemption from the requirement to register as a network service provider and the operation of Chapter 5 of the NER has now come into effect. The exemption was granted under clause 2.5.1 of the NER in accordance with the AER’s Electricity NSP Registration Exemption Guideline (Network Exemption Guideline), and is subject to a number of conditions.
You can find the most recent version of the Network Exemption Guideline on the Network exemptions page.
Exemption class applicable conditions
Network conversion (creation of an embedded network at a site with existing energy consumers)
As the applicant was unable to attain consent from all energy consumers at this site for the proposed embedded network, they were required to apply for a Notice of Acceptance before being eligible to register any exemptions for the network.
This Notice of Acceptance (following) confirms the eligibility of the applicant to register network exemptions for this site having supplied the necessary evidence of meeting the criteria specified in the Network Exemption Guideline. The exemption holder must comply with the network conversion conditions under section 4.9 of the Network Exemption Guideline in addition to the standard conditions for the registered exemption classes.