Indicative timetable

As required by the National Electricity Rules (NER), AER is preparing to undertake the next transmission determination for the Queensland electricity transmission network service provider (TNSP) — Powerlink. The AER’s transmission determination will cover the next regulatory control period (1 July 2027 to 30 June 2032). Powerlink's regulatory proposal is due by 31 January 2026.

The AER must publish a framework and approach paper in anticipation of the transmission determination. The framework and approach paper will set out the AER’s likely approach in the transmission determination for Powerlink on such matters as:

  • application of incentive schemes
  • expenditure forecast assessment guidelines, and
  • whether depreciation will be based on forecast or actual capital expenditure.

Interested parties are encouraged to consider the key dates.

AER consultation on need to amend or replace the Framework and Approach (F&A)30 November 2024
AER issues decision on need to amend or replace the F&A13 December 2024
AER publishes position paper on F&AMarch 2025
AER publishes F&A for Powerlink31 July 2025
Powerlink submits its regulatory proposal to AER31 January 2026
AER publishes an issues paper and holds a public forumMarch 2026/April 2026**
Submissions on regulatory proposal closeMay 2026
AER publishes draft determination decision30 September 2026
AER holds a pre-determination conferenceOctober 2026
Powerlink submits revised regulatory proposal to AERDecember 2026
Submissions on revised regulatory proposal and draft decision closeJanuary 2027
AER publishes transmission determination for regulatory control period30 April 2027

*This is an indicative timetable and is subject to change.

** The date provided is based on the AER receiving compliant proposals. The date may be altered if we receive non-compliant proposals.

Consultation - To amend or replace Powerlink's transmission Framework and Approach

On 6 November 2024, the AER released a Notice on whether to amend or replace the current Powerlink's transmission Framework and Approach (F&A).



We invited energy consumers and other interested parties to make submissions on Powerlink's Framework and Approach by 5 December 2024. No submissions were received.  


On 10 December 2024, the AER issued a decision to replace Powerlink’s F&A.

AER - Decision to replace F&A for Powerlink - December 2024

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