
New South Wales
Commencement date
Regulatory period
AER reference

The AER is required to make revenue determinations for network operators who are authorised or directed to undertake network infrastructure projects. We undertake this role as a Regulator under the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020 (EII Act).

Throughout 2022 and 2023, NSW Energy Corporation (EnergyCo), as the Infrastructure Planner for the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (CWO REZ), undertook a competitive assessment process to select a network operator for the main CWO REZ network project (Project). ACEREZ Partnership (ACEREZ) was the successful tenderer.

On 4 June 2024, AEMO Services Limited (the NSW Consumer Trustee) under s. 31(1)(b) of the EII Act authorised ACEREZ as the network operator to develop, construct, own, control and operate the Project.

On 24 October 2024, ACEREZ submitted a revenue proposal to the AER seeking to recover the costs established through the competitive assessment process for the Project. 

As the revenue proposal was submitted under the contestable framework, we had 42 business days from the date the revenue proposal was submitted to make a revenue determination. 

We made a determination for the Project on 13 December 2024. Prior to publishing the determination, we are required to consult with the Infrastructure Planner. This process is currently underway. We may decide not to publish part of a revenue determination if we are satisfied it is not appropriate, taking into account criteria in the Electricity Infrastructure Investment Regulation 2021 (EII Regulation). Once finalised, we will publish a public version of our revenue determination on our website that includes the amounts required to be paid to ACEREZ for the first 5 years of the Project term. We expect to publish the determination in early 2025.

Under the EII Act, ACEREZ is required to be paid by the Scheme Financial Vehicle (SFV) in accordance with our determination. The SFV recovers these costs (and other NSW Roadmap costs) from NSW electricity distributors, who in turn recover these costs from NSW electricity customers via their retail bills.

Main CWO REZ network project

The Central-West Orana REZ is approximately 20,000 square kilometres centred by Dubbo and Dunedoo. The REZ was declared by the Minister in November 2021 under section 19(1) of the EII Act. The declaration was amended in December 2023 and April 2024.

The REZ is designed to support 4.5 GW of network capacity with this to be increased to 6 GW by 2038. Operation of the network is expected to commence on a staggered basis between November 2028 and April 2030. 

The scope of the main CWO REZ network project consists of: 

A 500 kV transmission network from Wollar to Elong Elong via Merotherie, inclusive of the Barigan Creek Switching Station, as well as the Elong Elong and Merotherie Energy Hubs. The network between Merotherie and Elong Elong will be built at 500 kV but initially operated at 330 kV.

A 330 kV network of assets extending from the Energy Hubs to the locations of identified generation projects. 

Comprising synchronous condensers with a nominal nameplate rating of up to 1,750 MVA. 


EnergyCo, as the Infrastructure Planner for the main CWO REZ network project, completed a competitive assessment process to select a Network Operator. The Consumer Trustee, after considering EnergyCo’s recommendation in relation to the CWO REZ network project, authorised ACEREZ as the network operator on 4 June 2024. ACEREZ will develop, construct, own, control and operate the main CWO REZ network project.