On 6 December 2024, APA Group (APA) applied for a classification decision for its Kurri Kurri Lateral Pipeline (KKPL).
APA is seeking for the KKLP to be classified as a transmission pipeline. The KKLP is expected to be commissioned shortly.
As part of making our decision, we will consult with relevant stakeholders in 2025. We expect to publish a draft decision in March 2025.
All scheme and non-scheme pipelines must be either classified as a transmission or distribution pipeline.
Following reforms to the gas pipeline regulatory framework in 2023, the AER is responsible for determining the classification of pipelines which are not yet classified and for making decisions about the reclassification of pipelines.
Under section 117 of the National Gas Law, pipeline service providers are required to make a classification application to the AER within 20 business days after the commissioning of a pipeline, which is not yet classified as a distribution or transmission pipeline.
More information on the AER’s classification and reclassification powers can be found in Chapter 6 of the AER’s Regulatory Determinations and Elections Guide.