
Update - Expiry of access arrangement

The operation of the transitional provision in clause 3(15) of Schedule 1 to the National Gas Rules brings the current access arrangements for the Central Ranges Pipeline (CRP) and Network (CRP Network) within the scope of the competitive tender pipeline (CTP) access arrangement provisions of the National Gas Rules, including by setting an expiry date for the current access arrangements for the purposes of section 126(2)(a) of the National Gas Law.

The combined effect of these provisions is that both the CRP and CRP Network access arrangements will expire on 1 July 2019, and that from that time the CRP and CRP Network will cease to be covered pipelines for the purposes of the National Gas Law and Rules.

This means that access arrangement revision proposals will not be required for the CRP or CRP Network on 30 June 2018 as specified in the current access arrangements.