On 24 November 2021, the AER published a determination clause 5.16B of the National Electricity Rules. The determination specified that TransGrid is required to amend its Project Assessment Conclusions Report (PACR) for Humelink RIT-T by 23 December 2021.
The determination states that TransGrid did not apply the Humelink RIT-T PACR in accordance with the National Electricity Rules (NER) with respect to its consideration of credible options.
To ensure that the RIT-T meets the requirements of the NER and to ensure transparency of the RIT-T analysis, we require that TransGrid amend the Humelink PACR to include the following:
- A full double circuit option for the path between Maragle and Bannaby as a credible option
- The estimated capital cost of this option, including the estimated biodiversity offset costs.
- A complete comparative cost benefit analysis (with and without competition benefits) including this option for each scenario and its impact on the ranking of the credible options assessed in the PACR.
- Sensitivity analysis involving a number of proscribed criteria for this option as assessed for the preferred options in the PACR, to demonstrate the robustness of RIT-T modelling outcomes.
In regards to the additional grounds raised in the dispute notice, the AER is satisfied that TransGrid applied the Humelink RIT-T PACR in accordance with relevant NER and RIT-T requirements.