
On 5 March 2025, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) made a final decision to grant exemptions to Jemena Pipeline Businesses from ring-fencing obligations under section 140 of the National Gas Law in relation to Jemena Northern Gas Pipeline Pty Ltd's (JNGP) operation of the Phillip Creek Compressor Station (PCCS) pursuant to rule 34 of the National Gas Rules (NGR), subject to the conditions set out in section 2.1 of the final decision.

This exemption provides in effect that:

  • Jemena Pipeline Businesses’ marketing staff may be employees, agents or contractors of the related business of the PCCS; and
  • Jemena Pipeline Businesses’ employees, agents or contractors may be marketing staff of PCCS.

We received one submission to the draft decision, from Jemena Eastern Gas Pipeline (1) Pty Ltd (on behalf of Jemena Pipeline Businesses). It queried how the changes in circumstances contemplated under conditions 1 and 2 are relevant to the Jemena Pipeline Businesses’ ring-fencing exemptions. It also asked for clarification on what entity or entities must report to the AER under condition 1. 

We have considered Jemena Eastern Gas Pipeline (1) Pty Ltd’s submission and have decided to modify the conditions in the final decision. These changes provide clarity and specificity on relevant changes in circumstance that each Jemena Pipeline Business must report on to comply with the conditions. 

The AER considers that, in the current circumstances, the cost savings resulting from the exemption outweigh any potential benefits of complying with the ring-fencing obligations. 

Jemena is required under the National Gas Rules to notify the AER, without delay, if it no longer qualifies for the exemption.
