Issue date

On 19 December 2024, AGL Retail Energy Limited and three other subsidiaries of AGL Energy Limited (together, AGL) were ordered by the Federal Court to pay penalties totalling $25 million for failing to comply with their overcharging obligations related to Centrepay payments, in proceedings brought by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). 

On 7 February 2025, AGL appealed against the findings of the Court, the penalties and other orders. 

The AER has filed a cross appeal and a notice of contention in response to AGL’s appeal. The matters raised by the AER are technical in nature and are intended to address potential findings and orders by the Full Federal Court.  

The AER is not appealing the $25m penalty. 

The AER remains committed to ensuring that consumers who may be experiencing vulnerability are afforded the rights and protections provided by the law.

The appeal and cross appeal will be heard on a date to be set by the Full Federal Court. As the matter is now before the courts the AER will not be providing any further comment at this time.