On 9 December 2024, the AER published a draft explanatory statement and also a draft of a proposed updated Ring-fencing guideline (Electricity transmission) (the guideline). The proposed updates will amend the current guideline to include negotiated transmission services, in line with the AEMC’s amendment to rule 6A.21.2 of the National Electricity Rules (NER).
The AER published an issues paper on 23 October 2024 which set out a range of matters for stakeholder consideration, including:
- whether all, some, or no negotiated services should be ring-fenced, and the manner in which ring-fencing should occur
- whether to expand the definition of ‘ring-fenced information’
- whether to require additional reporting on the delivery of services
- expanding current obligations, in regard to marketing staff separation, to provision of negotiated services, and
- whether to introduce restrictions on cross-branding and promotions.
We have developed our formal proposal for changes to the guideline, based on feedback to the issues paper and previous stakeholder consultations.
We invite stakeholders to provide submission on the draft explanatory statement and the draft updated guideline by 28 January 2025.
Submissions and requests to make submissions via alternate methods should be emailed to aerringfencing@aer.gov.au