
On 14 October 2024, Ergon Energy submitted an application for a waiver from clauses 3.1(b) and 4.2 of the Ring-fencing Guideline (Electricity distribution) (the guideline) to provide field services on behalf of Powerlink.

These field services would include operating, maintaining, constructing and refurbishing Powerlink owned or controlled transmission assets in Ergon Energy’s distribution area which covers regional and remote areas of Queensland.

Ergon Energy currently holds a waiver to provide these services to Powerlink, however the waiver expires on 30 June 2025.  As such, Ergon Energy has applied for a renewal of their existing waiver until 2035.



Interested parties were invited to make written submissions to the AER regarding this consultation by close of business, 24 January 2025.  The consultation period for this waiver application is now closed.