The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has finalised its review of the Retailer Reliability Obligation (RRO) Auditors Panel, following stakeholder feedback.
As a result of the review, the AER has:
- published a revised version of the Auditors Panel Handbook (the Handbook). Changes to the Handbook include clarifying the role of Independent Auditors, and improved guidance to identify and manage conflicts of interest;
- launched the Auditors Panel Conflict of Interest Register to promote effective and transparent conflict of interest management; and
- updated the current Auditors Panel membership and contact details.
Our review also identified the need for more auditors to join the Auditors Panel. The Panel provides appointed Independent Auditors the flexibility to choose engagements and develop auditing processes appropriate to the Independent Auditor and the engagement they are undertaking.
Join the Auditors Panel
Based on current Australian Energy Market Operator reliability forecasts, we will need Independent Auditors to be on standby to provide services to liable entities, should the AER approve one or more T-1 instrument request(s) for potential reliability gaps in 2025-26.
Consequently, we encourage individuals and firms with expertise in electricity markets, demand/generation forecasting and energy derivatives and contracts to join the Auditors Panel.
Firms can put forward multiple individuals who collectively hold this expertise. You do not need to be qualified as a financial auditor to apply.
To express your interest in joining the panel, please email RROaer [dot] gov [dot] au (RRO[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).