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Following submissions from industry, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) today published its Draft Day Ahead Auction Record Keeping Guideline – Version 2

This Guideline sets out how transportation facility operators should record and maintain nomination and renomination data relevant to the AER’s monitoring functions. 

The updated draft Guideline introduces more detailed reporting requirements for facility operators and includes enhanced data submission protocols to ensure accuracy and timeliness; supporting the requirement that data must be verifiable and specific. 

The changes aim to enhance the quality of information received in accordance with the Guideline, and to aid facility operator and transportation facility user compliance with the National Gas Rules (NGR) and the National Gas Law (NGL). 

The AER is proposing a 3-month implementation period from the date of release of the revised final Guideline which is expected to be published in August. This implementation period will enable gas market participants to ask any questions they have prior to the Guideline coming into effect and to make any changes required as a result of the proposed amendments to the Guideline. 

Consultation is open now on the draft Guideline until 5 July to help further shape and refine the final Guideline. Questions or submissions on the draft Guideline should be directed to AERGasMarketsPipelineCapacityTradingataer [dot] gov [dot] au (AERGasMarketsPipelineCapacityTrading[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).


On 13 April 2023, the AER released a Notice of Consultation on the amendment to the Day Ahead Auction (DAA) Record Keeping Guideline and published a Consultation Paper seeking stakeholder feedback on our proposed amendments to the DAA Record Keeping Guideline. 

The AER is responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with various obligations in the National Gas Law, National Gas Rules, and procedures, including the monitoring of auction behaviour to ensure that shippers do not make false or misleading nominations and renominations. 

Facility operators are required to record relevant shipper data and provide the information to the AER on request, and keep a historical record of this information for a period of 5 years.