Indicative timetable

Our review of the Ring-fencing guideline (electricity distribution) (Version 2) commenced in August 2019. This project was paused to address other work priorities in response to COVID-19, but resumed in December 2020. Our updated indicative timetable follows.

Indicative dates for key milestones
Milestone Date*
Issues paper – discusses possible amendments including SAPS exemptions and treatment of batteries November 2020
AER publishes draft guideline and explanatory statement May 2021
Submissions on draft guideline close 8 July 2021
Further consultative forums if required August  2021
AER publishes final guideline and explanatory statement September/October 2021
Ring-fencing guideline (Electricity distribution) (Version 3) takes effect 3 months after publication

*Please note this timetable is subject to change.

Issues paper

The issues paper sought stakeholder input on:

  • proposed refinements to the Guideline to reflect the changing nature of services offered by distribution businesses, including via the use of new technology such as stand-alone power systems and storage devices; and
  • clarifying and improving certain obligations to make the Guideline clearer and simpler.

Stakeholders were encouraged to provide written submissions or to contact us via email with any questions.

AER - Ring-fencing Issues Paper - November 2020

Content type


Submissions on our issues paper closed on 21 December 2020.

Late submissions

These submissions on our issues paper were received after 21 December 2020 (i.e. submission closing date).


Following consultation on an Issues Paper in November 2020, the AER invited stakeholders to attend stakeholder forums on the review of the Ring-fencing guideline (Electricity distribution) on 26 February and 3 March 2021 respectively. The slides used for these forums are now available.