The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has approved Jemena Gas Networks’ and Australian Gas Networks’ (SA) 2023-24 gas tariff variation notices in accordance with their access arrangements.
The access arrangement sets the cost of delivering gas supply to customers over five years. Each year the gas distribution network service providers submit, to the AER for approval, a tariff variation notice that contains tariffs it proposes to charge its customers to recover its revenues for the upcoming year.
Gas bills are made up of several components including the wholesale cost, retail margins, and distribution charges. This decision relates to the distribution component of the bill.
More information on changes in the tariffs can be found in our Statement of Reasons, published for each gas network.
The AER acknowledges that energy bills are of concern to many households and businesses. We encourage consumers to use the AER’s EnergyMadeEasy website, our free and independent price comparison tool, to find the best deal to suit their energy needs.