Issue date
AER reference
AC 41/23

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has released a draft guidance note to amend the post-tax revenue model (PTRM) issued under the National Electricity Rules (NER) for use in non-contestable revenue determinations under the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.

Our draft guidance note sets out the relevant components and functions of the PTRM that require modification and outlines, at a high level, our expectations on the extent to which these amendments should be made to be consistent with the requirements of the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Investment framework.

Our proposed approach encourages minimal modifications so that network operators or other stakeholders familiar with the NER PTRM can operate and apply the PTRM for non-contestable revenue determinations in NSW.


The AER exists to ensure energy consumers are better off, now and in the future. We are the economic regulator for electricity and gas networks in every state and territory in Australia except Western Australia. We regulate electricity networks under the National Electricity Law and National Electricity Rules. We also regulate natural gas pipelines under the National Gas Law and National Gas Rules.

On 12 November 2021 we were appointed as a Regulator under the Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020 (NSW) (EII Act) and Electricity Infrastructure Investment Regulation 2021 (NSW) (EII Regulation).

Invitation for submissions

We welcome submissions from network operators and other interested parties on our draft guidance note by 19 May 2023. Written submissions or requests to make a submission via alternative methods (e.g. through a meeting with AER staff) should be emailed to REZataer [dot] gov [dot] au (REZ[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).