Issue date
AER reference
AC 03/23

Today, the AER has released preliminary Regulatory Information Orders (preliminary Orders) and an accompanying explanatory statement for stakeholder feedback.

The preliminary Orders set out our information requirements and a clear process and timing for future updates to information requirements. Once finalised, the new Orders will impose annual reporting obligations on regulated network businesses, and will be issued by the AER using information gathering powers under the National Electricity Law (NEL).

Invitation for submissions

We invite network businesses and other interested parties to make submission on our preliminary Orders and explanatory statement by Friday, 31 March. Submissions should be emailed to networksinformationataer [dot] gov [dot] au (subject: %3CBusiness%20name%3E%20-%20Submission%20to%20preliminary%20Orders%20and%20explanatory%20statement%20) (networksinformation[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).


On 23 March 2022, the AER commenced a review of the information it collects from and about regulated electricity networks - the Networks Information Requirements Review.

The review is driven both by the energy sector transformation and recognising that our current information requirements need to be refreshed. The review helps ensure the information we collect from and about regulated electricity networks is robust, accessible, and fit for purpose into the future.