The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has published draft Guidelines to make the Integrated System Plan (ISP) actionable. These draft guidelines were released on 15 May 2020 and include:
- a new cost benefit analysis guideline
- a new forecasting best practice guideline
- updates to existing regulatory investment test for transmission (RIT–T) instrument
- updates to existing RIT‒T application guidelines.
The draft guidelines are part of the new ISP framework, as implemented through changes to the National Electricity Rules made on 2 April 2020 (effective 1 July 2020). They seek to provide certainty, transparency and accountability for AEMO, transmission businesses, and stakeholders to promote efficient investment in electricity services for the long term interests of consumers.
Invitation for submissions
Due to the effects of the Covid-19 virus we have extended our stakeholder consultation period to six weeks. We invite submissions by the close of business 26 June 2020 and prefer stakeholders to email their submissions to ISPguidelinesaer [dot] gov [dot] au (ISPguidelines[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).
Stakeholder webinar
We invite stakeholders to register for a public webinar on the draft guidelines to make the ISP actionable, to be held on 4 June 2020. The purpose of this webinar is to provide information on the draft guidelines and seek stakeholder feedback.
Stakeholders that register by close of business 22 May 2020 will have the opportunity to complete a pre-webinar survey. We will use the results of the survey to tailor the content and structure of the webinar to best suit stakeholders.
Stakeholder consultation is a key part of our process, and we encourage interested parties to attend the webinar so we can listen and respond to stakeholder feedback. It may also assist stakeholders in developing their written submissions.
Registration details
- Date: Thursday 4 June 2020
- Timing: 10–11:30 am AEST
- RSVP: Please email ISPguidelines
aer [dot] gov [dot] au (ISPguidelines[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au) and advise the names of attendees, their organisation, and any accessibility requirements. We will provide further details of the webinar to stakeholders who have registered their interest. Register by close of business 22 May 2020 to participate in our pre-webinar survey.