Issue date
AER reference
AC 185/19

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has today released its first rate of return annual update.

The AER determines the regulated rate of return using the 2018 Rate of Return instrument. The rate of return instrument uses timely market data in its application. The annual update published today shows changes in market data since the publication of the 2018 instrument.

The AER recently released a consultation paper seeking feedback on a proposed pathway to the next Rate of Return Instrument, which will be released in 2022.

This annual update is one element outlined in the consultation paper. The intent of an annual update is to provide stakeholders with up-to-date rate of return data.

We have extended the time period for submissions on that consultation paper. Submissions now close Friday 17 January 2020 to allow stakeholder feedback on the purpose and structure of the annual update.