Issue date
AER reference
AC 114/19

The AER has commenced a consultation process on a set of repex modelling assumptions. The objective is to continue refining the AER's repex model and to help the industry understand the AER's repex model, including how it is applied during distribution determinations. We expect that a more informed users of the repex model will mean more certainty about the likely repex modelling outcomes and more consistent treatment of repex data, promoting regulatory certainty.

Invitation for submissions

Written submissions from interested stakeholders are invited by 7 October 2019. We will consider all submissions received by that date.

Following the review of all written submissions, we will provide an explanatory note setting out our position on the repex modelling assumptions. Our intention is to provide this explanatory note in November 2019. In addition, we intend to apply any refinements decided in this review process in our determinations for each electricity distributor, starting with the determinations in April 2020.