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AER reference

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) monitors and reports on wholesale electricity markets. As part of this role, we report on events that result in wholesale electricity spot prices exceeding $5000 per megawatt hour (MWh) and frequency control ancillary services (FCAS) prices exceeding $5000 per megawatt (MW).

On Saturday 25 August the price for ancillary services in Queensland exceeded $5000/MW on multiple occasions. Ancillary services are used to keep the frequency of the power system constant at 50 Hertz in response to changes in demand and supply.

In addition to reporting on this event, the AER will shortly be publishing reports on the following previous price events in the energy and ancillary service markets:

Market Event date Region Expected publication date
FCAS 8 July 2018 SA TBA
Energy 9 July 2018 SA 7 September 2018