Issue date
AER reference
AC 39/18

Further to the release of our preliminary framework and approach (F&A) for the Qld distributors, we invite interested stakeholders to a public forum on the preliminary F&A to be held on 23 April.

The F&A provides direction to a service provider on how certain aspects of its regulatory proposal should be framed. These preliminary papers allow for the service providers and interested stakeholders to consider and respond to the AER’s intended approach to service classification (what services we will regulate), form of control (how we will set prices for regulated services) and incentive schemes that aim to encourage cost efficiency and maintenance of service standards, amongst other things.

This consultation opportunity is the first step in the beginning of a two year process that ends with us determining service providers’ allowed revenue for the 2020─25 regulatory control period, including efficient prices for electricity distribution and transmission services.

Stakeholder forum

Date: 23 April 2018
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Wesley House – The Rooftop Terrace: Level 9/140 Ann Street, Brisbane
RSVP: by Wednesday 18 April 2018 to Energex2020ataer [dot] gov [dot] au or Ergon2020ataer [dot] gov [dot] au (Ergon2020[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au)

A review of our preliminary F&A for the Qld distributors will assist participants to get the most out of the session.

Further to the release of our preliminary framework and approach (F&A) for the Qld distributors, we invite interested stakeholders to a public forum on the preliminary F&A to be held on 23 April.

The F&A provides direction to a service provider on how certain aspects of its regulatory proposal should be framed. These preliminary papers allow for the service providers and interested stakeholders to consider and respond to the AER’s intended approach to service classification (what services we will regulate), form of control (how we will set prices for regulated services) and incentive schemes that aim to encourage cost efficiency and maintenance of service standards, amongst other things.

This consultation opportunity is the first step in the beginning of a two year process that ends with us determining service providers’ allowed revenue for the 2020─25 regulatory control period, including efficient prices for electricity distribution and transmission services.