Issue date
AER reference
AC 47/15

On 10 April 2015, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) released version 3.0 of its (Retail) Exempt Selling guideline (Guideline).

The AER has revised the Guideline to reopen three of the registrable classes that closed to new entrants on 1 January 2015, namely classes R1, R2 and R3. However, owners of sites that retrofit embedded networks from 1 January 2015 will need to apply for individual exemptions. The AER will be starting a broader review of the Guideline shortly to address a range of issues, including issues arising from the AER’s recent consultation on regulating innovative energy selling business models.

This version of the Guideline replaces version 2.0 (July 2013).

The National Energy Retail Law requires anyone selling energy to customers to either hold a retailer authorisation or a valid exemption. While most sellers of energy will hold an authorisation, there will be some circumstances where an authorisation is not appropriate. This could include retirement villages, caravan parks or any other arrangement where an owner purchases energy from an authorised retailer and then 'onsells' the energy to tenants.