Consumer matters
Issue date
AER reference
AC 036/14

On 25 March 2014 the Australian Energy Regulator’s Customer Consultative Group (CCG) held its first meeting for 2014. This was the final meeting for the current composition of the CCG who were appointed in 2011. The AER will shortly announce those members it has appointed to its new CCG. The AER Chair, Mr. Andrew Reeves, discussed the AER’s work program in 2014, including the NSW, ACT and Queensland and South Australian network regulatory determination processes, and the AER’s work in the retail energy sector, including its forthcoming targeted review of retailers’ hardship programs and practices. The meeting also covered a broad range of issues including:

  • the potential development of priority areas of focus for the AER’s compliance and enforcement activities under the National Energy Retail Law,
  • consumer issues arising from the current round of distribution regulatory determinations, and
  • proposed improvements to strengthen engagement between the AER and the CCG.


The CCG is established under the National Energy Retail Rules and provides advice to the AER in relation to its functions under the energy laws affecting energy consumers across participating jurisdictions. The CCG meets up to three times a year and currently has nine members—Australian Council of Social Service, COTA Australia, Consumer Action Law Centre, Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre, Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Queensland Council of Social Service, St Vincent de Paul Society, Tasmanian Council of Social Service and Uniting Communities.